INDOT and Indiana Transportation Ready to Go
appreciates the trying times that we are all going through together.
INDOT wants to ensure our partners that we are ready to go for the 2020
construction season. INDOT understands the current environment and the
challenges that is presents. We are committed to working through this
with our industry partners and to look for opportunities to partner
together. The following is a listing of the initiatives that INDOT will
be implementing immediately.
INDOT is abiding by all of the guidance
provided by the Department of Health for social distancing and good
hygiene. INDOT is utilizing virtual means of communication as much as
possible. As always Safety of our employees, our partners, and the
traveling public is first and foremost on our agenda.
Extended Work Hours
Governor Eric Holcomb’s Stay
at Home order has the effect of about a 30% reduction in overall
traffic. INDOT is willing to discuss options to accelerate projects
through this time period by extending hours for restrictions on
Interstate Highway Congestion Waivers. INDOT has reduced the review time
for this by utilizing the existing traffic data and applying the 30%
reduction factor to open additional time to work. INDOT is continually
monitoring this situation and is available to discuss these
opportunities on a contract or corridor basis. Guidance has been sent
out to decision-makers to move on these requests quickly. Should traffic
volumes begin to increase back to normal conditions, then INDOT would
give contractors a 7-day notice to return to previous restriction time
INDOT is ready to go and work effectively and efficiently with our contractors.
INDOT has also worked on efficiencies for
our Testing processes to expedite approvals. INDOT is pursuing all
options to expedite startup procedures for the season including but not
limited to extending certification timeframes. INDOT will be postponing
audits and plant inspections. Our qualified testers will have their
certifications extended to May 1, 2020 to be ready to go now.
INDOT is willing to work with
industry for a more widespread use of e-ticketing. INDOT already has
contractors utilizing this tool.
Supply-Chain Issues
INDOT is keenly aware that
supply chains are being interrupted and will work with industry to help
resolve if we can. Industry does not need to send INDOT a letter citing
potential issues but only those that are currently impacting the
contract. Please let INDOT construction personnel know as soon as you
are aware of such issues so that we can track them together. There is
not a need to explore what-ifs at this time.
Partnering and Indiana Transportation Team
joint membership in The Indiana Transportation Team gives us the ability
to persevere through these challenges and turn them into opportunities
to advance the cause. Thanks in advance to all for their efforts.
Roland L. Fegan, Jr., P.E.
Deputy Commissioner, Construction
Indiana Government Center North
100 N. Senate Ave., Room N758
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Office: (317) 234-8384
Cell: (317) 697-7298
Email: [email protected]